N-Acetyl-L-cysteine ethyl ester(NACET) (59587-09-6) - Cofttek

N-acetil-L-cistein etil ester (NACET) (59587-09-6)

Može 8, 2021

Cofttek is the best N-Acetyl-L-cysteine ethyl ester(NACET) powder manufacturer in China. Our factory has a complete production management system (ISO9001 & ISO14001), with a monthly production capacity of 300kg.

status:U masovnoj proizvodnji
Jedinica:1kg / vreća, 25kg / bubanj

N-acetil-L-cistein etil ester (59587-09-6) Spekifikacije

ime:N-Acetyl-L-cysteine ethyl ester(NACET)
Molekularna formula:C7H13NO3S
Molekularna težina:191.25 g / mol
Melt Point:197 do 202 ° C
Hemijsko ime:N-acetil-L-cistein etil ester

NACET®-etil 2-acetamido-3-merkaptopropanoat

sinonimi:N-acetilcistein etilester; (R) -metil 2-acetaMido-3-merkaptopropanoat; -etil 2-acetamido-3-merkaptopropanoat; etil (2R) -2-acetamido-3-sulfanil-propanoat; (2R) -2-acetamido-3-merkaptopropanoična kiselina etilni ester; (2R) -2-acetamido-3-merkapto-propionska kiselina etilni ester
Poluživot:N / A
Rastvorljivost:Rastvorljiv u vodi
Stanje skladištenja:0 - 4 C kratkoročno (dani do sedmice) ili -20 C dugoročno (mjeseci)
Primjena:N-acetil-L-cistein etil ester prah koristi se za jačanje pamćenja, fokusa, kreativnosti, inteligencije i motivacije.
izgled:Beli prah


N-acetil-L-cistein etil ester (NACET) (59587-09-6) NMR spektar

N-Acetyl-L-cysteine ethyl ester(NACET) (59587-09-6) NMR Spectrum

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What is N-Acetyl-L-cysteine ethyl ester(NACET) (59587-09-6)?

N-Acetyl-L-cysteine ethyl ester powder is natural or synthetic substances that can enhance brain function, to improve mental performance in healthy people. Usually known as Nootropici i pametni lijekovi, they have gained popularity in today’s highly competitive society and are most often used to boost memory, focus, creativity, intelligence and motivation.


N-Acetyl-L-cysteine ethyl ester(NACET) (59587-09-6) benefits

The esterification of the carboxyl group to produce N-acetylcysteine ethyl ester increases the lipophilicity of NAC and greatly improves its pharmacokinetics. NACET has much higher bioavailability (around 60%) than NAC. NACET rapidly enters the cells, then is trapped, and transforms into NAC and Cysteine. NACET is found in the cells of different tissues, including brain as it is able to cross the blood-brain barrier. NACET also provides a variety of protective antioxidant effects. NACET may be taken orally and helps increase glutathione. It can accumulate in human erythrocytes. NACET may also behave as a potent protector against hydroperoxide-induced oxidative damage. NACA has superior bioavailability than NAC as well as a molecule to improve the endurance and resident time of bioscaffolds and biomaterials.



N-Acetyl-L-cysteine ethyl ester powder 59587-09-6, is natural or synthetic substances that can enhance brain function, to improve mental performance. Usually known as Nootropics and smart drugs, they have gained popularity in today’s highly competitive society and are most often used to boost memory, focus, creativity, intelligence and motivation.

NACET increases circulating hydrogen sulfide (H(2)S), thus representing a good candidate for the oral use as an H(2)S producer, with clear advantages over NAC.

After oral treatment, NACET (but not NAC) was able to increase significantly the GSH content of most tissues in the rat (including brain), and protected them from paracetamol intoxication.


Imuno zdravlje

A large body of primary research demonstrates that dodatak ishrani with the potent antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC) can inhibit RNA virus replication and reduce the severity of associated diseases.

This modification of NAC permits unprecedented protection of your blood cells from oxidative damage, thus enabling your body’s immune system to effectively defend your body from the ravages of COVID-19 (This is not medical advice). NAC itself has low oral bioavailability because it is rapidly metabolized in your liver before it can reach your tissues, especially the lung epithelium which is most at risk for COVID-19 induced oxidative damage.


N-acetil-L-cistein etil ester (NACET) (59587-09-6) namjene?

Recent large clinical trials failed to confirm the supposed beneficial effects of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) in preventing oxidative stress-related diseases. This may be due to its low bioavailability. We thought that esterification of the carboxyl group of NAC to produce N-acetylcysteine ethyl ester (NACET) would drastically increase the lipophilicity of NAC, thus greatly improving its pharmacokinetics. In the present work, we report on representative chemical, pharmacological and anti-oxidant properties of NACET, especially in direct comparison with its congener NAC. We found that NACET is rapidly absorbed in rats after oral administration but reaches very low concentrations in plasma. This is due to a unique feature of NACET: it rapidly enters the cells where it is trapped being transformed into NAC and cysteine. After oral treatment, NACET (but not NAC) was able to increase significantly the glutathione content of most tissues examined, brain included, and to protect from paracetamol intoxication in the rat. NACET has also the unique feature to accumulate in human erythrocytes where it behaves as a potent protector against hydroperoxide-induced oxidative damage. Our study shows that being able to enter cells and to produce NAC and cysteine, NACET increases circulating hydrogen sulfide (H(2)S), thus representing a good candidate for the oral use as an H(2)S producer, with clear advantages over NAC. NACET has the potential to substitute NAC as a mucolytic agent, as a paracetamol antidote and as a GSH-related antioxidant.


N-acetil-L-cistein etil ester (NACET) (59587-09-6) aplikacija

NACET(N-Acetylcysteine ethyl ester) is a novel lipophilic cell-permeable cysteine derivative with an unusual pharmacokinetic feature and remarkable antioxidant potential. NACET has high oral bioavailability. It is a strong antioxidant and rich precursor of GSH, which is related to its free acid N-acetyl -L differs from -cysteine (NAC). NACET is a white powder at room temperature and is freely soluble in water and organic solvents.

NAC je derivat cisteina. Od 1970-ih godina se koristi za liječenje pacijenata s predoziranjem acetaminofenom i neurološkim poremećajima, a prodaje se kao lijek i dodatak prehrani. U usporedbi s NAC-om, NACET ima višu lipofilnost i visoko poboljšana farmakološka svojstva. Moguće je zamijeniti farmakološki NAC, kao mukolitičko sredstvo, antioksidans, dobavljač GSH, antidot paracetamola i barem Donora gasnog predajnika H 2 S i sredstva za zaštitu od UV zraka.

In addition, the strong nucleophilicity and reducing potential of NACET has also been proved in human red blood cells. It has been found to accumulate in human red blood cells, effectively resisting oxidative damage caused by hydroperoxides. Therefore, the potential of NACET as an anti-nitrite-induced antioxidant is much greater than that of NAC methemoglobinemia and other strong oxidants. Studies in rats have found that NACET is absorbed much faster than NAC when NACET is administered orally. It is able to enter cells and produce NAC and cysteine, which increases hydrogen sulfide (H (2) S) in the circulation. It is a good candidate for the oral use as an H (2) S producer,


NACET prah na prodaju(Where to Buy NACET powder in bulk)

Naša kompanija ima dugoročne odnose sa našim klijentima jer se fokusiramo na kupca usluga i pružanje odličnih proizvoda. Ako ste zainteresovani za naše proizvod, fleksibilni smo s prilagođavanjem narudžbi prema vašim specifičnim potrebama, a naše brzo vrijeme isporuke narudžbi garantira da ćete na vrijeme kušati naš proizvod. Također se fokusiramo na usluge s dodanom vrijednošću. Dostupni smo za servisna pitanja i informacije za podršku vašem poslovanju.

We are an professional NACET powder supplier for several years, we supply proizvodi sa konkurentnim cijene, a naš proizvod je najvišeg kvaliteta i podvrgava se strogim, nezavisnim testiranjima kako bi se osiguralo da je siguran za potrošnju širom svijeta.



[1] N-acetilcistein etil ester kao pojačivač GSH u ljudskim ćelijama primarnog endotela: Uporedna studija s drugim lijekovima. 2018. listopada; 126: 202-209. doi: 10.1016 / j.freeradbiomed.2018.08.013. Epub 2018. avgust 14. PMID: 30114478.

[2] N-acetilcistein etil ester kao pojačivač GSH u ljudskim ćelijama primarnog endotela: Uporedna studija s drugim lijekovima. 2018. listopada; 126: 202-209. doi: 10.1016 / j.freeradbiomed.2018.08.013. Epub 2018. avgust 14. PMID: 30114478.

[3] S-Nitroso-N-acetyl-L-cysteine ethyl ester (SNACET) and N-acetyl-L-cysteine ethyl ester (NACET)-Cysteine-based drug candidates with unique pharmacological profiles for oral use as NO, H2S and GSH suppliers and as antioxidants: Results and overview. 2018 Feb;8(1):1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jpha.2017.12.003. Epub 2017 Dec 13. Review. PMID: 29568662.


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